MSIX Helper by Provolve IT

The MSIX Helper is developed for software developers and software package engineers responsible for deploying their (legacy) applications using the new Microsoft MSIX packaging format. According to Microsoft, MSIX is a Windows app package format that provides a modern packaging experience for all Windows apps.

The MSIX package format preserves the functionality of existing app packages and/or install files in addition to enabling new, modern packaging and deployment features to Win32, WPF, and Windows Forms apps. MSIX enables enterprises to stay current and ensure their applications are always up to date. It allows IT Pros and developers to deliver a user centric solution while still reducing the cost of ownership of application by reducing the need to repackage.



Benefits of the MSIX Helper Tool

  • Set the current working directory when the target executables are launched
  • Pass arguments to the target executables when launched
  • Start non-executable targets like weblinks or scripts
  • Start external executables that are not part of the MSIX package environment
  • Set session environment variables for the launched target executables
  • Perform basic script actions before and after the targets are launched
  • Start external (non-containerized) executables inside the MSIX package environment
  • Use of relative (VFS or PVAD) paths for setting session environments variables, performing script actions and launching the targets

 And there is much more to discover using the MSIX Helper! The MSIX Helper is a freeware and free-to-use tool made for and by the community of software package engineers. It is developed by Ferry van Gelderen, CTO at Provolve IT.

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MSIX Helper

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